Oct 6 2023

Project Metrics: Early Alert for Project Troubles

Project Metrics

As a project leader, juggling timelines, budgets, teams, and managing stakeholder expectations simultaneously can be truly challenging, right? Did you ever stop to think that achieving project success lies in meticulous measurements and assessments—project metrics?

7 minutes
Dec 24 2022

How to Choose Key Performance Indicators for Your Project

Do you want to successfully wrap up a project with your team? Key performance indicators in your project management help you understand the success and viability of your initiative. However, if you are not a professional project manager, you may fail to choose the right metrics to track your progress. Managers often have a wide variety of metrics to choose from, and it can get confusing. This article at Indeed explains why project management metrics are essential and how to choose one for your project.

2 minutes
Aug 18 2022

Which Project Management Metrics Define Success?

Do you want to reallocate your resources to perform better? Understanding your business’s performance is crucial to achieving all your marketing objectives and solving all your customer’s problems in the best possible way. A business key performance indicator (KPI) can help organizations monitor their success and identify challenges before they become more significant issues. This Indeed article discusses the importance of business metrics and some tips to help you effectively use them.

2 minutes
Aug 18 2022

What KPI Measurement Does to Your Project Performance

Project managers often wonder if they are correctly measuring project performance. Multiple metrics can help you ascertain how well you managed your work and what practices you can incorporate into your next project. But what should you measure while the project is in progress? In his blog, Bernard Marr shares which key performance indicators (KPIs) matter the most to your project’s success.

2 minutes
May 12 2022

Project Management Metrics That You Should Not Ignore

Data helps businesses make informed decisions about the company’s future and ongoing projects. When you incorporate the collected project data with project management metrics, it gives you a better idea of your project’s growth and productivity. Project management metrics also help companies assess project status, mitigate risks, and enhance project quality. Several metrics play a crucial role in measuring their growth. In one of their articles, Villanova University shares a list of important project management metrics that you should incorporate.

2 minutes
May 1 2022

Measuring Project Success: Consider These Criteria Now

IT managers want their projects to be successful, but only a few take the time to define what success means. For example, if you have delivered products or services within the allocated budget and time, can you consider that a success? It could be. However, if your project failed to meet stakeholder expectations, you must establish criteria to evaluate success. This Indeed article discusses qualitative and quantitative ways of measuring project success.

2 minutes